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Gimetri - Coffee Table, Soft Gray

SKU: 12471-SS
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Availability: Online Item Only. Ships FedEx in 7-10 Days

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Availability: In Stock
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NOTE: AFW does not stock or assemble this item. This will ship to your address via FedEx. Assembly is required.

Table top height: 15"

Beautiful metal double legs

Top made of MDF with a bamboo finish

Water resistant table top

Can support up to 55 lbs

Meets or exceeds all North American safety standards

Accessories not included

Requires complete assembly by 2 adults (tools not included)

Ships in 1 box, make sure to have a friend with you

Packaging tested and certified to reduce the risk of damage during shipment

Made in China

1-year limited guarantee. 

Dimensions / Specifications

Attribute name Attribute value
Width: 23.75
Height: 15
Style: Rustic / Vintage
Color / Finish: Gray
Construction Material: Composite
Availability: Free FedEx Shipping
Shape: Rectangle
Depth: 47.25
Weight: 25

NOTE: AFW does not stock or assemble this item. This will ship to your address via FedEx. Assembly is required.

Table top height: 15"

Beautiful metal double legs

Top made of MDF with a bamboo finish

Water resistant table top

Can support up to 55 lbs

Meets or exceeds all North American safety standards

Accessories not included

Requires complete assembly by 2 adults (tools not included)

Ships in 1 box, make sure to have a friend with you

Packaging tested and certified to reduce the risk of damage during shipment

Made in China

1-year limited guarantee.